David’s Polish Resources
Source Google Docs, send me comments and suggestions for edits there: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1o8m4odWbwpr1atd6Y7ueqy-3LU2-qVPwiE5BK2rrgTk/edit?usp=sharing
Contact: davidbranquinho at gmail dot com
Special Thank You to all my tutors, in particular:
Przemek, Meet him here
Jacek, Meet him here
Magdalena, Meet her here
Adrian, Meet him here
Paulina, Meet her here
Grzesiek, Meet him here
And many others!
Recommended Online Resources:
Reverso Context: For example, searching for text where the word “czytam” (I read) occurs - very helpful: https://context.reverso.net/t%C5%82umaczenie/polski-angielski/czytam
Wiktionary, we you can see the conjugation of the verb (odmiana, not always available), if it’s perfective or imperfective, what’s the perfective/or what’s the imperfective (not always available): https://pl.wiktionary.org/wiki/czyta%C4%87